Parent Gauge

Recording: Parent Gauge 2.0

Program Recording: Parent Gauge 2.0: Elevating Head Start Programs to New Heights Description: Parent Gauge is a powerful resource that empowers Head Start programs to gain deeper insights into family engagement and child development. Watch this webinar recording to learn more about the new and amazing features. Resources: Presentation Recording Recording: Parent Gauge 2.0 Presenters: Sandy Oceguera…


Parent Gauge 2.0: Elevating Head Start Programs to New Heights

Recording: 3 Key Practices for Engaging Harder-To-Reach Families

Program Recording: Who’s Not At the Table: 3 Key Practices for Engaging Harder-To-Reach Families Looking for practical solutions you can use immediately to engage your hardest-to-reach families? Then this is the webinar recording you’ve been waiting for. In this session, we focus on effective strategies to connect with and empower all families in your program, especially…


Recording: Messages that Motivate!

Webinar Recording: Messages that Motivate! Between work, caregiving, and all the rest of life’s demands, Head Start families are busy. With so much on their plates, it’s no wonder educators say it’s hard to get families’ attention.  Whether we’re communicating in person or through emails and flyers, it’s a challenge to ensure your messages have…


Info Session: Parent Gauge and ParentPowered

Putting Your Family Engagement Data into Action

Building Strong Parent and Family Partnerships

Messages that Motivate!

Webinar: Lifting Up Diverse Family Voices

In this recording, presenters explore how integrating family voice, the HSPPS, the PFCE framework, and the unique role of program leaders.


Webinar: Maximizing Your Parent and Family Engagement

A tool for maximizing your parent and family engagement efforts! Designed specifically for Head Start and Early Head Start programs.


Webinar: PFCE Efforts Resource

This webinar recording shows viewers how to use information from these two tools in combination for maximizing your PFCE efforts.


Professional Development Videos for Parent Gauge

This collection of Parent Gauge professional development videos provides short, 30-min training sessions for Program and Center Admin roles.