This certification provides fiscal staff the opportunity to demonstrate skills essential to Head Start fiscal and grant management and program administration.
Driven by federal oversight and the Head Start Program Performance Standards (HSPPS), fiscal management in Head Start requires thorough understanding of the federal requirements and how they impact day to day work of fiscal staff. The Academy’s Fiscal Management Certification provides learners an opportunity to create a professional portfolio demonstrating their expertise and understanding of their responsibilities as a fiscal manager or as fiscal staff supporting management. This process includes regular opportunities to meet with experts in the field and enhance knowledge throughout the experience. Learners will take away a portfolio that clearly demonstrates their mastery and a certification that clearly identifies that mastery.
- Start Date: New cohorts accepted monthly
- Course Level: Certification
- Requirements/Prerequisites: While no specific experience is required, a minimum three years of experience with Head Start finance is strongly recommended. The certification does not include instruction.
- Completion Timeline/Duration: Four months for portfolio completion and two months for review and final grade.
- Head Start Alignment: This course supports programs in meeting the Head Start Act Section 642 Powers and Functions of Head Start Agencies in which “the agency shall establish and maintain a formal structure for program governance, for the oversight of quality services for Head Start children and families and for making decisions related to program design and implementation. Such structure shall include…. not less than one member shall have a background and expertise in fiscal management or accounting.” It also supports programs in meeting Part 1303-Financial and Administrative Requirements of the HSPPS. Health and Human Services regulation 45 CFR §75.
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40 Hours of Course Material
4 Months of Access to Course
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What learners are saying...
"It was a very good course and our instructor was very informative and always made himself available to ask questions. He is a great contact and easily was the best part of the experience." - Andres Cano, Head Start Accountant, South San Antonio Independent School District
"The Academy is a great learning tool and experience for Head Start employees. Not just the Fiscal sections but all sections of Head Start." - Scott Birckhead, Senior Accountant, Community Progress Council, Inc.
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