Sign-On Letter: FY23 Early Childhood Education Letter
FY23 Early Childhood Education Letter to Appropriation Leaders
The National Head Start Association, along with 52 advocacy organizations, joins forces in urging members of Congress to expand early childhood education budget support in FY23 appropriations.
An important note on Head Start from the letter:
“Head Start – An additional $4.4 billion for Head Start (a total of $15.4 billion). Specifically, $1
billion for expansion of Early Head Start and Early Head Start-Child Care Partnerships, $596 million
to sustain the workforce through a cost-of-living adjustment, $2.5 billion for workforce compensation
realignment, $262 million to provide flexibility to address local quality improvement priorities,
including facilities, and $10 million to help develop the most effective and appropriate staff for
American Indian/Alaska Native programs. Prior to the pandemic, just over 1 in 3 eligible children had
access to Head Start, and 1 in 10 eligible children had access to Early Head Start.”
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