Moving Forward
Head Start is a movement, not a moment. In the coming year, Head Start Associations and Collaboration Offices plan to have a focus in the following five areas, listed in order of frequency based on responses in NHSA’s Annual Survey:
Workforce Initiatives
“Workforce development, recruitment, and increased pay for our Head Start and Early Head Start staff members.”
Awareness Raising and Advocacy
“Increase childcare subsidy rates, increase NC Pre-K slots, and to have rates be more equitable amongst providers.”
Supporting Vulnerable Children and Families
“To build a new system for moving families out of homelessness and poverty. Set up a pilot program and document the strategies and cost for family sustainability.”
Arkansas Head Start Association/State Collaboration Office
State Pre-K and School Partnerships
“We want to elevate the voice of Head Start parents in the Preschool Development Grant work in our state.”
Wyoming Head Start Association
Securing or Protecting State Supplemental Funding
“Support an expanded use of Head Start state supplemental funding in an effort to build program capacity allowing programs to build infrastructure to serve more and younger children in center based settings.”
Minnesota State Head Start Collaboration Office