Speaker Request Interested in having a member of the NHSA team speak at your event? Please complete and submit the form below at least four weeks before the event and someone from NHSA will reach out! Event Primary Contact First Name Last Name Organization Name Email Office Phone Mobile Phone Is the Primary Contact the same as the "Day of the Event" Contact?YesNo Day of Event Contact First Name Last Name Email Mobile Phone Event Details Host Organization Type of Organization Please select... State Association Regional Association HS Program Other If other, please provide details below Name of Event (please include a brief description) Event Start Date Event End Date Expected number of attendees Venue Name Venue Address Venue City Venue StatePlease select... Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District Of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Puerto Rico Virgin Island Northern Mariana Islands Guam American Samoa Palau Venue Zip Code Overall Topic(s) for discussion/presentation Speaker Request NHSA offers a range of engaging speakers based on the needs of your audience and event. Please let us know: What is the subject matter of this session? What outcome do you expect? Speaking and Meeting Requests Date of Speaking Engagement Room # Time Slot of Speaking Engagement Speaker's Role for Speaking EngagementPlease select... Keynote Moderator Panelist Presenter Meeting Participant Other Strategic Planning Advocacy Events Requested length of time for the speaking engagement Type of Event Description If a PowerPoint will be used during a presentation, is it acceptable for the presentation to be provided via flash drive? YesNo If a PowerPoint will be used during a presentation, will a projector and a computer be provided for the speaker? YesNo Additional Information Please upload the Program Booklet for the Event Please upload the "Schedule at a Glance" Information needed from NHSA (please check all that apply) Speaker BioFlight Itinerary Photo of the Speaker Additional Information and Requests Logistical Information for Speaker Please list 1-3 major airports near the hotel where the speaker will be staying Is there an existing hotel reservation for the requested speaker ?YesNo Will a reservation be made for the requested speaker? Please provide the hotel confirmation number: Hotel where the speaker will be staying Hotel Address Hotel City Hotel StatePlease select... Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District Of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Puerto Rico Virgin Island Northern Mariana Islands Guam American Samoa Palau Hotel Zip Code Does the hotel have shuttle service to and from the airport?YesNo If yes, please provide the contact information for the Hotel Shuttle If no, will ground will ground transportation be provided from the airport to the hotel?Private DriverTaxiOther Please provide a point of contact for the method of ground transportation that you have chosen. Hotel is the same as the venue location listed aboveYesNo How will the Speaker be transported to the event? Costs Incurred by Speaker Will all travel and lodging costs for NHSA staff be covered by the requester?YesNo ACKNOWLEDGEMENTBy clicking yes, the requester is in agreement to pay for all of the speaker's costs including travel, meals, and any other possible expenses. Please sign your name below. First Name MI Last Name Job Title Please include who should receive invoicing (usually 30-60 days, post event) Name of Organization First Name Last Name Job Title Email Phone Thank you for requesting a member of the NHSA staff to participate in your event.Your request will be reviewed by NHSA staff and you will receive a response within 5 business days. reCAPTCHA helps prevent automated form spam. The submit button will be disabled until you complete the CAPTCHA.