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Who’s Not At the Table: 3 Key Practices for Engaging Harder-To-Reach Families

2:00 PM EST
3:00 PM EST

Professional Development Tools Webinars Best Practice Family Engagement Whole Community

Program: Who’s Not At the Table: 3 Key Practices for Engaging Harder-To-Reach Families

Description: Looking for practical solutions you can use immediately to engage your hardest-to-reach families? Then this is the interactive webinar you’ve been waiting for. In this session, we will focus on effective strategies to connect with and empower all families in your program, especially those who may be underrepresented or facing barriers to participation. We’ll explore innovative and field-tested approaches to ensure every family’s voice is heard and valued.

Spread the word, because this is one event your team won’t want to miss!

Learning Objective:

  • Create a shared understanding of what we mean by “harder-to-reach” families
  • Identify common barriers to family engagement in Head Start and Early Head Start programs.
  • Learn about inclusive strategies for reaching seldom heard families and making all families feel welcome and empowered to participate in their child’s education.

Who’s Not At the Table Presenters:

Sandy Oceguera is the Sr. Data Product Manager at NHSA. Her background includes 5 years in social services and 5 years in big data analytics lending her a unique perspective in utilizing and developing NHSA’s data products, including Parent Gauge, usefulness for the field. Sandy holds a bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Colorado State University with a specialization in public and nonprofit management.




Mallary Swartz, Ph.D, Senior Director of Learning and Impact at ParentPowered and an applied researcher in family engagement and early childhood. She has spent 20 years cultivating relationships, managing partnerships, and leading research, evaluation, and innovation projects at family-focused organizations such as Start Early, Fred Rogers Productions, and Brazelton Touchpoints Center. Mallary also served as Co-Principal Investigator for the National Center on Parent, Family, and Community Engagement. She has a Ph.D. in Child Development from Tufts University, an M.S. from the University of Pittsburgh, and a B.A. from Duke University.


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