Webinar: Child Tax Credit

July 18, 2022

Nearly 90% of children in the U.S. became eligible for the Child Tax Credit (CTC) when it was expanded last year. Even though tax season has passed, families can still claim the full 2021 CTC – up to $3,600 per child per family – by either using the simplified filing portal – GetCTC.org, or filing a paper return.

This webinar helps members of the National Head Start Association community better understand the expanded Child Tax Credit and how to help families claim this critical benefit.

You do NOT have to be a tax expert. We share ready-to-use resources to help you provide information to families and connect them to tax preparation assistance, as well as discuss common concerns and questions around the CTC and things such as immigration status, public benefits impact, and much more! The webinar and accompanying multilingual resources are designed to help you easily integrate CTC outreach to families in your existing programs and communications.


  • provider toolkit
  • family toolkit
  • CTC slide deck
  • Please remember to use the unique GetCTC URL created for NHSA at https://GetCTC.org/NHSA

A special thank you to the Coalition on Human Needs and the Partnership for America’s Children for these resources and your ongoing support!

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