A survey three months into the 2024-25 program year shows the Head Start Preschool and Early Head Start workforce remains fragile. Though staffing has begun to stabilize, chronic low compensation, challenging classroom conditions, and opportunities with employers who offer greater compensation continue to create a need that demands immediate action.
Our key findings include:
- The workforce crisis that has challenged programs nationwide is beginning to show signs of stabilizing. Nine percent of staff positions are currently vacant, down from 15% in October 2023 and 19% in February 2023. When asked how staff vacancies compared to the prior program year, 42% said it was lower, 44% said about the same, and just 14% said higher.
- The top reason for staff vacancies continues to be compensation (71%), followed by work conditions (59%) and other job opportunities (41%).
- 6% of classrooms are currently closed, down from 14% in October 2023 and 20% in February 2023. Among programs with at least one classroom closed, staff vacancies remain by far the top reason for closure at 71%.
- Current enrollment is at 90% overall, with the average waitlist being 23% the size of a program’s funded enrollment.
- Over the past three years, as vacant positions have been filled, the rate of closed classrooms and underenrollment have also declined markedly.