2025 State Fact Sheets

Head Start’s Model: Nationwide, Comprehensive, Multi-Generational

Click on your state to download your state's Head Start Fact Sheet or explore Head Start locations in detail.

Explore NHSA's District and National Fact Sheets

  • American Indian/Alaska Native (AIAN) Head Start Profile

  • District of Columbia Profile

  • Migrant/Seasonal Head Start Profile

  • Overall National Profile

  • Early Head Start Facts & Figures

In the six decades since Head Start's founding, we have reached a new milestone: nearly 40 million children have been served. From early math and reading skills, to confidence and resilience, Head Start helps children build the skills they need to be successful in school and life. Head Start takes a comprehensive approach to meeting the needs of young children and their families. There are four pillars in every program:

  • Education: Learning experiences support intellectual, social, and emotional growth
  • Health Services: Immunizations, dental, medical, and mental health support, nutritional services, and early screenings ensure healthy development
  • Family Involvement: Opportunities for parents and caregivers to be involved in decision making, participate in classes, and volunteer in the program strengthen families
  • Wraparound Support: Tailored services meet local and individual needs and link children and families to community supports.

National Snapshot


Home Visits Conducted Throughout the Year
Children Recieved Care for a Chronic Health Condition
Pregnant Women Served
Children Received Preventative Dental Care
Newly Enrolled Children Completed Behavioral Screenings
Children Up-To-Date on Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, & Treatement Screenings


Homeless Families Served
Veteran or Active Duty Military Family Member
Fathers Involved in their Child's Educational Experiences


Head Start Classrooms
Total Head Start Staff
Parents Employed, in School, or in Job Training

Long-Term Impacts

Economic Stability: Head Start participants are 12% less likely to live in poverty as adults and 29% less likely to receive public assistance.

Early Support: Families in Early Head Start have stable home environments and less involvement with the child welfare system.

Advancing Parents: Head Start enhances parents' education level, employment status, and income.

Health: Head Start children have more access to health care and have improved physical health throughout their lifetime.

State Profile Resources

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