NHSA's Regional Referral Program
The National Head Start Association’s Referral Program at The Academy is a simple and automatic way to support your regional Head Start Association every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you purchase professional development opportunities at The Academy, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection, and convenient shopping experience, with the added bonus that NHSA will give a portion of the purchase price to your regional Head Start Association.
Region 7 Head Start Association (R7HSA) is the first organization programs can choose to support. When programs opt-in, NHSA will gather up a small percentage of each training your staff attends and send R7HSA a check for the whole amount on a quarterly basis.
Follow these steps to support your regional association:
- Opt into this program by submitting your program information below.
- Then, go to nhsa.org/the-academy to start shopping
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