The Congressionally-mandated Early Head Start Research and Evaluation Project Study (EHSREP) was a rigorous longitudinal study that offered conclusive evidence of Early Head Start’s impact on a wide range of outcomes. Yet, it left unexplained much of how those results were achieved.
To fill this gap, Dr. Rachel Chazan Cohen, associate professor of Human Development and Family Sciences at the University of Connecticut, conducted a new analysis of EHSREP data. Dr. Cohen looked at how service use at age two led to impacts for children and families at age three, leading to two key new findings:
- At age 2, Early Head Start families report receiving many more services than the control group.
- Specific comprehensive services provided by Early Head Start lead to specific impacts for children and families.
From Dr. Cohen: “Thank you to the children and families who participated in the Early Head Start Research and Evaluation Project as well as the Early Head Start Research Consortium, which included representatives from 17 programs participating in the evaluation, 15 local research teams, the evaluation contractors, and the Administration for Children and Families. Thank you also to the Early Head Start Comprehensive Services Workgroup.”