Recording: Congressional Program Visits
Program Recording: Congressional Program Visits: An Impactful Way to Illustrate the Value of Head Start Program Description: You can describe to a member of Congress or their staff the value your program provides to children, families, and the community in an email, a letter, a phone call, or a meeting in the member’s office. But…
Recording: Empowering Your Parent Council for Advocacy
Program Recording: Empowering Your Parent Council for Advocacy Description: As you know, Head Start Policy Councils are composed of Head Start preschool and Early Head Start parents and community members. With parent members often joining after serving on a parent committee and community members taking a special interest in the broader benefits of Head Start, the members…
Recording: Advocacy: What is it? How to do it!
Program: Advocacy: What is it? How to do it! Description: The lack of funding needed so that programs can implement the Final rule without having to cut large numbers of children and their families from programs has put Head Start in a funding crisis. We need everyone to step up their advocacy capacity and skills. This webinar…
Recording: Head Start Advocacy: Voting Counts!
The Recording of Head Start Advocacy: Voting Counts! shares how Head Start parents and programs can support voter registration and more.
Head Start Advocacy Webinar Series
In the Head Start Advocacy Webinar Series our experts share how to develop strong trust with politicians, parents, and community members.