Active Supervision Basics
Online • On-Demand • 1 PD Hr
How do you know if you are keeping all of your students safe and accounting for there whereabouts all of the time? This course will provide an effective model and strategies to ensure you are keeping safety as your top priority through active supervision.
In the early education field, safety is our number one priority, especially with our younger children who are constantly learning through exploration. Effective active supervision practices are key to ensuring staff can easily account for all children at all times, and therefore ensure they are safe.
This course will define active supervision and explore strategies for staff to effectively implement active supervision during their daily routines with children, such as sleeping, eating, and diapering or bathroom use. Strategies include:
- Setting Up the Environment
- Positioning Staff
- Scanning and Counting
- Listening
- Anticipating Children's Behavior
- Engaging and Redirecting
Active supervision is a proven strategy for creating a safe environment and preventing injuries in young children. Learners successfully completing this course will understand what active supervision is, how to implement the technique, and evaluate their current role and the impact active supervision may have on their work.
Start Date: Available on-demand
Course Level: Beginner
Requirements/Prerequisites: None
Target Audience: Instruction and Effective Practice, Leadership and Management, Parents and Families, Program Operations, Support Services
Course Meeting Times: None
Completion Timeline/Duration: One month
Alignment with the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework (ELOF): This course supports programs in meeting the 1302.47 Safety Practices requirements of the Head Start Program Performance Standards (HSPPS) in which programs must “ensure no child is left alone or unsupervised by staff, consultants, contractors, or volunteers while under their care.”
Course Author
- Online, Self-Paced Content
- 1 Hour of Course Material
- Video Content
- 45 Days of Access to Online Course
- Discussion Forums
- Digital Badge
- Certificate of Completion with Professional Development Hours
- 24/7 Access to Transcript