Welcome, Head Start Alumni!

We are Head Start.

About The Network...

Over the last six decades, 37 million children have been served by Head Start. Their stories and testimony are living proof points of Head Start’s impact. Head Start alumni hail from communities across the country. We serve and work in every sector worldwide—from boardrooms to classrooms, from cockpits to courtrooms. Innovators and communicators, advocates and thinkers, health care heroes and teachers—alumni are connected by a shared love for the first learning experience that told us we belonged.

Ayleen Lopez
Ayleen Lopez

2024 Summer Graduation Celebration! Submit your graduate by June 14th

Submit the form below if you or a graduate of high school or college is a Head Start Alumnus and wants to be featured on the NHSA Alumni Network.

In Their Words...

The Head Start Alumni Network sustains Head Start’s legacy for children and families through national advocacy, local support, and meaningful professional connections. The Network demonstrates Head Start’s proven model of success as well as its far-reaching and long-lasting impact.

Alumni Spotlight: Published Author, Age 10

Atyia is a former student of ICS Head Start and the author of the “Mean Girls: A Bunch of Bullies,” a story about the impact of bullying.

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Alumni Spotlight: Appreciating and Celebrating Mexican Culture and Heritage

Head Start alumna Denjuami Barker remembers how important it was to her family that Head Start appreciated their Mexican culture and heritage.

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Alumni Spotlight: From Head Start to Health Solutions

This Head Start alum wants to thank his teacher for “taking the time to give me the tools to be successful in life and be anything I dreamed of.”

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Four Siblings’ Success Rooted in Project Head Start

Carla Fick enrolled her son in the inaugural class of Project Head Start. There, he and his siblings established their foundation of success.

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