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Head Start Advocacy: Voting Counts!

12:00 PM EDT
12:30 PM EDT

Professional Development Webinars Advocacy Family Engagement Parent and Family

Voting Counts: Understanding the Important Role Head Start Parents and Staff can have in the 2024 election.

Program Description: This year’s presidential election is already a hot topic and not likely to cool in the fall. As citizens of the USA we all can and need to vote. It’s one thing that makes this country great. Voting is a right and privilege that we all need to exercise. Learn how Head Start parents, staff and programs can support voter registration and Get Out the Vote (GOTV) activities. Learn how to engage in these activities while following the Head Start standards. Here what other programs are doing. Do not let fear and discouragement keep you from taking action.

Together we can help the whole Head Start community participate in the election and know that Voting Counts!   

Learning Objective:

  • Understand the Head Start standards relative to voter registration and GOTV activities.
  • Find inspiration and courage to engage in supporting the election process in your Head Start program.


Blair Hyatt, Senior Director of State Affairs

Katie Dufford-Melendez

Katie Dufford-Melendez, Manager, State Affairs

This professional development presentation is part of a larger Head Start Advocacy Series. By registering for this event, you can sign up for the entire 2024-2025 series. Each month will feature new topics of concern when we talk about the big picture of advocacy.