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Moving Through the Stages of Father Inclusion

2:00 PM EDT
3:30 PM EDT

Professional Development Tools Webinars

Program: Moving Through the Stages of Father Inclusion

Description: A National Fatherhood Initiative® (NFI) trainer will conduct a training on how to move through the Four Stages of Father Inclusion: 1) Aware, 2) Prepare, 3) Launch, and 4) Maintain & Grow. The training will use engaging videos to illustrate the importance of father inclusion, how to plan a father-inclusive effort that will succeed, how to launch a successful father-inclusive effort, and how to maintain and grow a father-inclusive effort. And that’s not all! The training will highlight case studies and NFI programs and resources appropriate for use in each stage.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Participants will learn why it is important to be intentional and proactive in including fathers.
  2. Participants will learn about the Four Stages of Father Inclusion and their vital role in creating father-inclusive efforts.
  3. Participants will learn about examples of what organizations have done within each of the Four Stages of Father Inclusion.
  4. Participants will learn how NFI programs and resources will help them implement the Four Stages of Father Inclusion successfully.
  5. Participants will learn how to apply the Four Stages of Father Inclusion regardless of experience in serving fathers.


  • Regular Rate: $250
  • NHSA Member Rate: $200

Moving Through the Stages of Father Inclusion Presenter: Erik Vecere

Erik VecereAs Chief Partner Success Officer for National Fatherhood Initiative® (NFI), Erik is responsible for developing and nurturing partnerships with network-based entities that have relationships with human service organizations. His goal is to help these organizations become more father-inclusive. Erik also facilitates strategic planning meetings that result in action plans, provides training on NFI programs, and oversees funded and non-funded projects. Erik is passionate about providing solutions to NFI partners and contributing to their success in reaching dads. With 11 years of experience in retail management, Erik has a strong foundation in identifying customers’ pain points so that he can help solve them. Having been a new dad twice, Erik also understands the importance of father-inclusive organizations and communities. He is grateful to have the opportunity to play a role in improving the lives of thousands of families each year. Erik received a Master of Science in Organizational Leadership from Geneva College, Beaver Falls, PA, and a B.A. in Communications from Robert Morris University, Moon Township, PA. He also holds an Associate’s Degree in Letters, Arts, and Sciences from Pennsylvania State University. He has two grown daughters and a granddaughter.

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