This new resource is focused on how Head Start can harness the power of registered apprenticeships to transfer knowledge, skills, and competencies to new and developing workers.
In the last few years, we have had to rethink how we are recruiting and retaining the next generation of the Head Start workforce. The Apprenticeship Kick-Start Guide provides a framework to design and launch Head Start and Early Head Start apprenticeships and, ultimately, a vision for how we can create career pathways that leverage local resources and meet the specific needs of the Head Start community.
The guide—which was assembled by a nationwide cohort of advocates, early learning systems leaders, pioneers in early childhood education apprenticeships, and federal leaders invested in training—builds on the Broader, Deeper, Fairer: Five Strategies to Radically Expand the Talent Pool in Early Education. We hope the resources, lessons, and bright ideas within will continue to further our collective thinking and actions related to establishing innovative, high-quality early learning career pathways.
To access the Apprenticeship Kick-Start Guide, please fill out the form below.
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