Success Stories

Alumni Spotlight: Pathways for Young Parents

Two Head Start alumnae from Community Action Alger-Marquette Head Start in Michigan tell their stories of finding their own paths to thriving futures as young parents.

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ESL Program Helps Oklahoman Refugee Parents Advocate for Themselves and Their Children

Esther Cing had to rebuild her life when she fled from violence in Myanmar and settled in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 2016. Esther, who is Zomi, and her family started by trying to find the basic necessities. Fortunately, Esther found a bustling Zomi community in Tulsa, where upwards of 7,000 Zomi/Burmese refugees now live. And through her new community, she…

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Celebrating Latino and Hispanic Heritage at MCDC

Montclair Child Development Center’s growing Hispanic service population informs their commitment to cultural competency.

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Parent with Autism Becomes Advocate

I didn’t always know that I was autistic, but I have always had great anxiety and difficulty forming and keeping relationships. I used to worry that I would be a terrible mother, or that someone would take my children away because of my mental illness. So before my first child was even born, I made…

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Alumni Spotlight: Carlos Martinez

Carlos Martinez, Baytown Head Start’s new health services coordinator, didn’t know he had been a Head Start student when he applied for the job.

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Brushing Up on Oral Health

Oral health is a key aspect of a child’s school readiness. Head Start promoting oral health habits in early childhood.

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Alumni Spotlight: Jennifer DeMars-Ellison

Jennifer DeMars-Ellison says: “We are extremely proud to be a Head Start family.”

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Alumni Spotlight: Tashia Lemon-Guillory

Tashia says: “I attended Head Start, came to work with Head Start, and I remain with Head Start because Head Start changes lives.”

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Macy Jones, Bold and Decisive Leader in Times of Crisis

Head Start Director Macy Jone’s community was hit hard by COVID-19. She hired a full-time licensed clinician to provide support.

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Preparation and Collaboration Serve Families in Crisis

Deputy Director of Duval Head Start/Early Head Start in Florida Maria McNair went a long way to help families adjust to virtual programming.

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Alumni Spotlight: Josalyn Brown Robinson

Head Start alumna Josalyn Brown Robinson says: “Head Start gives a foundation with lifelong effects on children. We see the benefits every day.”

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Facing Collective Trauma, Prioritizing Protective Factors

As the pandemic hit, Anat Weisenfreund focused on supporting and empowering staff and families as they were engulfed in collective trauma.

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