Topic: Advocacy
Head Start at the 2023 State of the Union
Thirteen members of the Head Start community attended the 2023 State of the Union, including three special guests.
All We Accomplished Together in 2022
From funding increases, to coming together to celebrate the promise of Head Start, we are proud of all we have accomplished together in 2022.
Webinar: Preschool Development Grants
Head Start and Early Head Start are critical infrastructure in state early childhood systems and has the potential to partner with Preschool Development Grants to support child and family success.
Webinar: SNAP Eligibility Policy Discussion with the FRAC
FRAC shares how to maximize the inclusion of SNAP enrolled families through the newly-created Head Start categorical eligibility pathway.
The Formula Shortage and Early Head Start
Parents and caregivers across the country are anxious and scared about the ongoing formula shortage. Early Head Start program staff know all too well the negative impacts food insecurity and hunger have on children and families and understand why the formula shortage is top-of-mind for so many caregivers across the country. Here’s the latest information…
Webinar: NAACP Florida State Conference
The NAACP Florida State Conference and NHSA discuss our organization’s shared missions and long-standing relationship.
NHSA Recognizes Congressional Leaders with 2022 Awards
Sen. Richard Burr was honored with NHSA’s highest accolade, the Robert E. Cooke Lifetime Achievement Award, for his career-long dedication to Head Start.
Join NHSA’s Head Start Advocacy Network
NHSA relies on your voice for our advocacy and engagement in Washington, D.C., and across the country. Sign up for our mailing list to receive our action alerts and updates on policy issues relevant to Head Start.