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How Garden Programs Combat Food Insecurity
How Garden Programs Combat Food Insecurity: GroMoreGood Garden Webinar
Sarah Pounders of KidsGardening will share how Head Start/Early Head Start can use garden programs to combat food insecurity. We will also hear from two Head Start programs who are GroMoreGood grantees about how their garden programs are making a difference in their communities.
Sarah Pounders, While working toward her master’s degree in Horticultural Sciences at Texas A&M University, Sarah Pounders served as a school garden coordinator and conducted research on the benefits of using school garden programs to teach nutrition. She went on to work at various botanical gardens and for Cooperative Extension in Virginia and Texas. Since 2005, Sarah has been an education specialist at KidsGardening, coordinating numerous children’s gardens and writing curricula and activities for youth of all ages. Sarah enjoys gardening at home with her two children and serves as the volunteer garden coordinator at her son’s elementary school.
2021-22 GroMoreGood Garden Grant Recipients: Jennifer Bagdanov, Acelero Learning and Polly Philips, Verner Center for Early Learning will share about their garden program experience.
Want even more? Check out our Gardening with Kids Basics course provided by The Academy and the GroMoreGood Garden Grants.