How to Respond to Uvalde: Trauma and Young Children with Ellen Galinsky

4:00 PM EST
5:00 PM EST


The world can be a confusing, frightening place to young children. More than ever, the Head Start community needs accurate information and practical guidance for helping children and families through this difficult time. Join NHSA and Ellen Galinsky, author of Mind in the Making and Chief Science Officer of the Bezos Family Foundation, for a discussion about trauma and young children. We will discuss:

  • What trauma is, what causes it, and its potential effects on the brain and learning
  • How children and families might be thinking and feeling?
  • Why your relationships with children and families are critical to promoting healing
  • How to care for your own wellbeing

We mourn deeply for Uvalde, which has heartbreakingly been added to the list alongside Buffalo, Parkland, Newtown, and far too many other tragedies. It is our profound hope the outpouring of outrage and support brings both strength to the survivors and desperately needed change to our country.