2022-23 GroMoreGood Garden Grant Winners
Now in its fifth year, the GroMoreGood Garden Grants program through The Scotts Miracle-Gro Foundation and National Head Start Association (NHSA) is awarding 10 grants to Head Start programs committed to connecting more of our nation’s youth to the benefits of gardening, garden-based learning, and outdoor play.
This year’s 2022-23 GroMoreGood Garden Grants winners are:
- Bright Beginnings, Inc., Washington D.C.
- Community Action Program, Inc., Western IN
- Agency for Community EmPOWERment of NEPA, Scranton, PA
- Benton Franklin Head Start, Richland, WA
- Plano ISD Head Start, Plano, TX
- Denver Public Schools, Denver, CO
- HCDE Area Head Start, Houston, TX
- Cook Inlet Native Head Start, Anchorage, AK
- Deer Lodge County Head Start, Anaconda, MT
- Centro De La Familia De Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
“It’s so important for children to have access to fresh foods and to get outside, and gardens provide an opportunity for both,” said Brian Herrington, president of The Scotts Miracle-Gro Foundation. “Helping kids discover the wonder of growing is incredible. We look forward to the new and updated garden experiences our grant recipients will create this year.”
The grants are part of Scotts Miracle-Gro’s GroMoreGood initiative, which aims to bring the life-enhancing benefits of gardens and green spaces to 10 million children by 2023. Portions of the harvest will be used in Head Start classrooms and portions will be donated to Head Start families and local food agencies.
“The research is clear: garden-based learning improves educational outcomes, enhances social and emotional learning, and—perhaps most importantly—engages every child’s innate wonder and care for the natural world,” said NHSA Executive Director Yasmina Vinci. “NHSA is proud of our continuing partnership with The Scotts Miracle-Gro Foundation to support experiential learning, foster curiosity, and encourage even more Head Start children and their families to learn and play outside this year!”
This is the fifth year of the program and it has supported more than 50 existing and new garden projects for Head Start programs (including this year). Learn more about our past grant recipients from 2022, 2021, 2020, and 2019 and watch the webinar series to learn more.
The grants winners were announced during NHSA’s 2023 Winter Leadership Institute where leaders of the Head Start community from across the nation convened for four days of advocacy training, innovative panels, and results-oriented workshops.
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