Webinar: Early Head Start Toolkit

Learn how to advocate for increased funding for Early Head Start and support America’s infants, toddlers, and families. Watch this in-depth Early Head Start Toolkit training on how to effectively reach key decision-makers and use new tools to advocate on behalf of Early Head Start. In this training, you’ll learn the key messages that resonate with policymakers and influencers, and you will run through the various resources available to you through the new Early Head Start Toolkit to help you effectively advocate and ensure all families have the wraparound support they need during the most critical years of a child’s development—prenatal to age three.

This training supports NHSA’s Early Head Start Rising campaign, which aims to address the urgent need to care for and support pregnant women, infants, and toddlers through a major expansion of Early Head Start to 500,000 additional children and families.

This training was developed in partnership with Forthright Advising.

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