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Fiscal Courses at The Academy

Whether you are new to Head Start or an experienced professional looking to enhance your expertise, we have courses to meet your needs.

Learn from the Experts!

To support Head Start programs' complex fiscal and property management, we offer courses written by experts like Belinda Rinker, former senior policy analyst at the Office of Head Start, and Alan Baquet, a retired university professor, that provide in-depth training on fiscal and property management best practices.

Beginner Courses Description Author PD Hours
Data Basics

This course explores the role of data in Head Start and answers two questions: “Why do people care so much about data?” and “What does this have to do with me?”

Dr. Greg Dixon3
Intermediate Courses Description Author PD Hours
Data Essentials

Data Essentials explores how data is used in practice in today’s Head Start world and answers two questions: “How can data be used to make things better?” and “How can I be sure that the data I collect helps children and families?”

Dr. Greg Dixon7
Intermediate Courses Description Author PD Hours
DEIB Leadership Credential

From intention to action, this course empowers learners with the leadership skills needed to ensure that diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) are not only an intentional focus, but also an intentional practice in their program.

Dr. Kimberly Johnson40
Head Start Manager Credential

The Head Start Manager Credential is designed for general management and will provide learners with information on a number of topics—ranging from becoming an advocate in the Head Start community to innovating within the program. This course will help leaders expand Head Start’s reach beyond the program and directly impact their communities!

Team NHSA20
Fiscal Manager Certification

This certification provides fiscal staff the opportunity to demonstrate skills essential to Head Start fiscal and grant management and program administration.

Belinda Rinker, JD40

Featured Faculty

Belinda Rinker, JD

Belinda Rinker, JD

Belinda Rinker, JD, an attorney and managing member of SRCS, has over 30 years of experience working with grant-funded and nonprofit organizations. She recently retired from her position as a senior policy analyst at the national Office of Head Start in Washington, D.C., where she led fiscal, facilities, and disaster recovery initiatives. During her Head Start career, she gained hands-on experience in program operations and fiscal management. Belinda has extensive knowledge of the many governance and fiscal requirements that apply to federal awards and has provided training and compliance assistance at the grantee, state, and national level.

Alan Baquet, Ph.D.

Alan Baquet, Ph.D.

Alan Baquet, PhD, an economist and member of SRCS, has a robust background in educational, nonprofit, and private industry settings. He is nationally recognized for his research and teaching accomplishments. He successfully applied for and managed grant awards throughout his university career. He has expertise in supporting the operation of complex organizations, having served as a department head and associate vice chancellor in educational settings. Alan is certified in both Life Coaching and Appreciative Inquiry, critical skills that enhance his ability to facilitate strategic planning and organizational change initiatives.

Dr. Greg Dixon

Dr. Greg Dixon

Dr. Greg Dixon is the chief learning officer at Acorn Evaluation. Dr. Dixon is the leading designer of professional development programs to build data literacy in Head Start. He brings two decades of award-winning experience as a professor and curriculum designer to the development of programs that make data fun and accessible to all.

fundraising academy

Fundraising Academy

Fundraising Academy offers educational and training programs that help nonprofits become more sustainable through better fundraising and capacity building. National in scope and regional in focus, the Institute seeks to strengthen the fundraising process with an innovative curriculum that blends business and sales strategies in a unique and powerful way.


"The instructors use real-life situations when working on budgets. It was easier for me to visualize myself in a meeting talking about the same issues."

– Paola Reyes, Fiscal & Grants Manager, Davis School District Head Start, Fiscal Essentials attendee

"Completely essential for someone new to Head Start finance"

– Adriana Griffin, Chief Fiscal Officer, Northern California Child Development, Inc

"This training should be viewed by all Head Start and Early Head Staff upon hire because it explains where funding comes from, who can apply for a grant, and how fiscal accountability is structured by the Office Of Head Start."

– Fiscal Basics attendee

"I believe all fiscal personnel who are new to working with Head Start and EHS funds should attend this session, as part of an orientation piece before beginning their job. I was thrown in the deep end and started treading, having never worked with Head Start before, let alone fiscally. I would have loved to hear this information two years ago!"

– Fiscal Basics attendee