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NHSA's State Affairs 

Key NHSA Reports and Tools

The Headstart on May 17, 2023 in St. Ignatius, Montana.

New State Association Leadership Toolkit

New Head Start state association leadership can use this guide to navigate NHSA’s many services and resources that are available to them.

203 Policy Agenda

Head Start Policy Agenda

The national Head Start Policy Agenda serves as the guiding document for NHSA’s government affairs-related efforts.

<h2 style="color:#ffffff">The Work</h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400; font-size: 17px;">NHSA's State Affairs’ works to grow the capacity of Head Start Associations to effectively advocate for Head Start programs and the children & families they serve.</p>

2022 State Investments in Head Start and Early Head Start

Fourteen states and D.C. are investing state funds in Head Start and Early Head Start to improve outcomes for at-risk children and families.

Methodology and Members

Head Start State and Regional Impact Report

The 2022 Annual Report showcases the ongoing network and commitment of Head Start Associations in the states and regions.

Head Start Advocacy Tools

Kent City Migrant Headstart near Grand Rapids, Michigan on September 14, 2016.

Photograph by Erin Lubin

Head Start Social Media Marketing Guide

NHSA’s Head Start Social Media Guide covers five major social media channels and includes quick tips and content ideas.

Little Angels Early Head Start in King City, California on August 22, 2023.

2024 State Fact Sheets

Click on your state to download your 2024 Head Start Fact Sheet or use NHSA’s interactive map to explore Head Start locations in detail.

Take Action

Take Action for Head Start

Take Action for Head Start: Congress needs to hold the line for Head Start as it works toward finalizing appropriations for Fiscal Year 2025.

<h2 style="color:#ffffff">The Work</h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400; font-size: 17px;">NHSA's State Affairs’ works to grow the capacity of Head Start Associations to effectively advocate for Head Start programs and the children & families they serve.</p>

Facts and Impacts

Head Start works. Children make innumerable gains. These advantages appear immediately, last a lifetime, and positively impact generations.

Early Head Start Advocacy Tools

Child Care Associates Morris Campus in Fort Worth, Texas on May 27, 2022. (Photo/Sharon Ellman)

Head Start Advantage: Early Head Start

Early Head Start children have greater cognitive development and receptive language skills on standardized assessments.

EHS Facts and Figures

Early Head Start Facts & Figures

Download and learn more about Early Head Start’s service delivery models, how programs support families’ comprehensive needs, and how the program promotes equity.

Early Head Start Rising

Early Head Start Advocacy Toolkit

NHSA’s data-backed communications toolkit supports Early Head Start advocacy and communication about the impact of Early Head Start.

<h2 style="color:#ffffff">The Work</h2><p><span style="font-weight: 400; font-size: 17px;">NHSA's State Affairs’ works to grow the capacity of Head Start Associations to effectively advocate for Head Start programs and the children & families they serve.</p>

Early Head Start Social Media Toolkit

NHSA’s data-backed communications toolkit supports Early Head Start advocacy and communication about the impact of Early Head Start.

State Association Webinar Recordings

Webinar: Effective State-Level Policies

This session shares 11 state-level policies that help foster the nurturing environments infants and toddlers need to thrive and that reduce longstanding disparities in opportunities and outcomes among racial and ethnic groups and socioeconomic statuses.

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Webinar: Advancing Early Head Start Conversations with Policymakers

Advancing Conversations with Policymakers webinar examines tips and techniques for building relationships with decisionmakers to advance Early Head Start.

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