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Building Your Digital Portfolio with NHSA

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4:45 PM EST

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NHSA can help you showcase your education, professional development and professional achievements with our new Digital Portfolio! Join us to learn how you can build and utilize your portfolio!

NHSA is proud to announce the creation of a Digital Portfolio especially for its membership, which will bring professional recognition directly to you – at no cost!

NHSA’s Digital Portfolio stores all of the professional development (PD) you complete within NHSA and all of the PD you complete outside of NHSA. Whether you complete a course, credential, attend a webinar or conference, this easy to access, easy to share resource will be at your fingertips to showcase that work. Join us for this exciting webinar as we launch the Digital Portfolio and help you showcase your professionalism. 


Dr. Deborah Bergeron (or Dr. B as she is known to students and educators) has spent over thirty years working to support the growth and development of children. She worked in public education as a middle and high school classroom teacher, an elementary and high school administrator and holds a school superintendents license in Virginia. Dr. B also started, grew and eventually sold her own supplemental educational services company. In 2018, Dr. Bergeron was asked to lead the Office of Head Start and the Office of Early Childhood Development at the Administration for Children and Families in the Department of Health and Human Services. It was here where Dr. B developed her passion for Head Start, Early Head Start and the early learning environment in general. In January, 2021, Dr. B joined the National Head Start Association as the Deputy Director of Community Engagement and Innovation. Here, she aims to bring the Head Start and Early Head Start community together, provide the necessary support to ensure high quality programming and be a constant reminder to the folks on the ground that THEY are the backbone of Head Start and Early Head Start. Dr. B advocates for programming that develops the whole child and embraces the value the family has in that process. “Parents are a child’s first and most important teacher,” is her favorite mantra, compliments of Head Start. Dr. Bergeron holds a B.S.Ed. from Texas State University, a Master’s Degree in Education Leadership and a PhD in Education Policy and Education Psychology from George Mason University. She lives in Virginia with her husband and has four awesome children who, although are all grown up, will always be her heart!



Matt Marinsek is a Senior Manager of Marketing and Design for the National Head Start Association, where among various key projects, schedules, designs, and formats data and marketing emails for the organization’s various messaging to the field, helps compile the Digital Portfolio for The Academy, and more. Prior to joining NHSA, Matt worked for various companies and industries serving in marketing and leadership capacities, and served key leadership roles in non-profit leadership development organizations during and after his undergraduate time at New Mexico State University. Matt enjoys brushing up on the latest tech trends, and teaching others how the latest innovations in digital technology can enhance others’ careers and lives.