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Webinar: The Future of Early Learning is Relational

2:00 PM EDT
3:00 PM EDT

Professional Development Webinars Early Head Start

What matters most in learning is not IQ, not SAT scores, and not college. The greatest predictor of lifelong success is relationships (aka love), starting in the early years of life. The American Academy of Pediatrics recently elevated early relationships as a critical way to prevent toxic stress. This session will offer a fresh look at what it takes for children to flourish from the start. It will review the body of evidence on why relationships are foundational to learning and development. It will then explore the alarming trends in relationships around our little ones, including the latest studies on how COVID-19 has affected emotional connection between babies/moms, and how cognitive and social-emotional skills in babies born during the pandemic have been dropping. Lastly, it will discuss how to improve those concerns, and frame the circles of relationships around our little learners in the FTLM framework—Families, Teachers, Little friends, and Mentors/Community.

Speaker: Isabelle C. Hau

Over the past two decades Isabelle, impact education funder, has innovated at the intersection of education, philanthropy, and impact investing, to make high-quality learning accessible and joyful for all children starting at birth. She was a founding partner at Imaginable Futures, the education venture of The Omidyar Group. Prior, she led the U.S. education initiative at Omidyar Network. Her work has directly impacted millions of learners and families. She is currently authoring a book on the future of (early) learning. She also serves on the boards of Better World Ed, EDC, Sonen Capital, and Think Equal, and is advising multiple high-impact organizations. In November 2021, she was awarded the Inclusive Leader Award in Early Childhood Education by Global MindED. Isabelle was also honored as one of “100 inspiring women” as part of the 50th year anniversary of women at Harvard Business School. Another of her proud moments is a feature with Grover of Sesame Street on early childhood innovation.