Keep your CDA active! Your Child Development Associate (CDA) credential from the Council for Professional Recognition is valid for three years from the award date. It must be renewed before it expires. You can begin the renewal application up to six months in advance. In addition to providing CDA Training Pathways to guide candidates through the entire credentialing process, the National Head Start Association (NHSA) is committed to providing resources to help the Head Start workforce keep their credentials up-to-date.
The Renewal Process
Complete after the issue date of the credential being renewed.
Obtain 4.5 CEUs, a 3 credit hour college course, or 45 clock hours of training.
NOTE: Training must be specific to credential type
Become a member of an ECE professional organization.
NOTE: Membership must be current at time of application
Select an early childhood professional to review and verify your training and membership documentation.
NOTE: Training and membership documentation will no longer be submitted to or accepted by the Council
Complete within one (1) year of submitting your application.
Complete 80 hours of experience working with children.
NOTE: Experience must be specific to credential type
Select an early childhood professional to:
- Verify your 80 hours of work experience
- Complete a recommendation based on your work with children
Certification must be current at time of application.
Obtain in-person or blended courses in First Aid and Infant and Child (Pediatric) CPR
NOTE: Online training and training provide by individual consultants is not accepted
Training Designed to Support You
Meet your professional development requirements by obtaining 45 hours of training from NHSA.
Online Courses
You can take any of the following courses. They were designed to meet the CDA renewal requirements and feature Head Start-specific content. Many are included in the Academy+ subscription.
Become a member of the National Head Start Association! Together we are the biggest and loudest advocates for Head Start children, families, and communities. If your program is a member of NHSA, good news! That means you are too. Not sure if you are? Request a membership certificate below.
What is a Digital Portfolio?
The National Head Start Association Digital Portfolio is a personalized digital space where early childhood professionals can store all their professional accomplishments. From credentials and certifications to professional webinars, conferences, and even NHSA membership, the Portfolio is the home for all of your achievements. This new NHSA member benefit will empower your staff to nourish and develop their career!